Installing R packages on to your EC2 RStudio instance
Once you’ve got your EC2 instance running with RStudio, you will probably want to install some of your favourite packages. I use ggplot2 and plyr a lot, but installing them isn’t as simple as on your local pc.
First you need to connect to your instance. If you use Windows, you’ll need to download PuTTY. Amazon provide a walk-through of how to do this, and I’ve replicated the key steps here.
You will need to create a version of the Key-Pair file you created when you first set up your EC2 security group that PuTTY can recognise. Use PuTTYgen for this and click ‘Load’ existing key to browser for your Key-Pair file. You will need to use ‘All file types’ as the Amazon Key-Pair is a .pem file. Once you’ve found it, click save as private key. You should now see a .ppk in the same folder as you .pem key-pair.
Now start the PuTTY.exe program.
In the Hostname box write ‘ubuntu@’ and your...